Terms of Use & Security
funplanet.gr is an online store selling products via the Internet.
funplanet.gr is the property of the sole proprietorship STAVROS A. SAMIOTIS, which is based in Kallithea Attica, 201 Dimosthenous, 17673 with VAT number: 078183856, DOU Kallithea.
The purpose is to inform you more correctly about your rights and obligations and to ensure the best possible service during your purchases from the online store of funplanet.gr.
In order to make purchases from the funplanet.gr online store, you will be asked to provide the necessary personal information so that your identity can be certified and your transactions can be carried out with the necessary security.
The information you will be asked for is your name, email address, the address to which your order will be shipped, and your phone number.
If your transaction is via credit card, you will be asked for your card number and expiration date.
The company and funplanet.gr, following the principles of personal data protection provided for by the relevant laws and international conventions, will not proceed with any unlawful use without your prior approval.
funplanet.gr will in no way disclose, publicize, sell, or exchange the personal information and information you entrust to us.
In only certain cases may your personal information be made public by the company, always following the procedure provided for by law when this is imposed by a Public Authority, a court, etc.
For the security of your commercial transactions, funplanet.gr cooperates with National Bank and Wirecard using the bank's electronic transaction processing environment, to which you are redirected to fill in your card details.
During the payment with your card, the SSL protocol is used, with 128-bit encryption (the strongest today).
This encrypts all of your personal information, including your credit card number, name and address, so that it cannot be read or changed in transit over the Internet.
The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol is today the global standard on the Internet for certifying websites to web users and for encrypting information between web users and web servers.
An encrypted SSL communication requires that all information sent between a client and a server be encrypted by the sending software and decrypted by the receiving software, thus protecting personal information in transit.
All prices of funplanet.gr products are in Euros, include 24% VAT. and only apply to online orders. They do not apply to in-store purchases, unless an online order has been placed and receipt from the store has been declared.
Limitation of liability: Given the nature and volume of the Internet, under any circumstances, funplanet.gr is not responsible for any kind of damage suffered by the visitor/user of the pages, services, options and contents of funplanet.gr which he/she does on his/her own initiative .
funplanet.gr does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors and that errors will be corrected.
Also, funplanet.gr does not guarantee that the same or any other related site or the servers through which they are made available to users/members, do not contain "viruses" or other harmful components.
Copyright & industrial property - Trademarks: Apart from the expressly mentioned exceptions (copyrights of third parties, partners and entities), all the content of funplanet.gr, including images, graphics, photos, plans, texts, the services provided and in general all the files of this website site, are intellectual property, registered marks and service marks of funplanet.gr and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions and treaties.
Consequently, none of them may be in whole or in part sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished or "uploaded", transmitted or distributed in any way.
Excluded is the case of individual storage of a single copy of part of the content on a simple personal computer, for personal and not public or commercial use and without erasing the indication of their origin from funplanet.gr, without affecting in any way the relevant rights intellectual and industrial property.
The other products or services mentioned on the online pages of this site and bearing the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partner bodies, associations or publications, are their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility.
The user/member understands and accepts that he is not granted the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and/or commercially exploit in any way all or part of the content of funplanet.gr.
Force majeure: If for reasons of force majeure (e.g. bad weather conditions, strikes, etc.) it is not possible to deliver the products to you within the predetermined time, we will inform you via e-mail, so that you can inform us if you wish, under the conditions, the completion of your order.
Modification of the present terms: funplanet.gr reserves the right to modify or renew the terms and conditions of transactions.